Romance, Grandma? Really? by Delia Latham

Don’tcha just love love?

I do. I hope I always will. And that, my friends—just in case you’re wondering—is why a 50-something grandmother would write an entire series of books based around a Christian dating agency.

(To be perfectly honest, when I got the first little mustard seed of an idea, I was eleven years younger, had only one grandchild, and hadn’t yet written a novel at all, much less a series of them.) Here’s what happened:

Some years ago, I read a series written by an author I’d never heard of at the time. Her name is Shari MacDonald, and she has an amazing knack for humor. One of the books in that series grabbed me by the imagination and would not let go. That book, A Match Made in Heaven, struck some kind of chord in me. It made me want to write the novel I’d been promising myself for years.

Now, let’s be reasonable here. That was well over a decade ago. Don’t ask me what that pivotal novel was actually about—I don’t have a clue, other than there was a dating agency involved. It made an impression on me, and got me thinking about the matchmaking profession. Wouldn’t it be fun, I thought, to write about a place where Christian singles could go to find—in King Solomon’s words—“he (or she) whom their soul loveth”?

I stored the idea away in my brain, and every once in awhile, I took it out and played with it (not my brain—the idea). I wrote two inspirational romances, neither of which had anything to do with a dating agency, and got them published. I started a couple of other manuscripts, which I still haven’t finished.

Then I woke up one day and it was as though something clicked in my heart—like God was saying, “It’s time. Let’s do it!”

In a perfect world, I disappeared into my office and emerged three days later with a completed manuscript, painstakingly edited and ready to send to a publisher.

Uh-huh. Whoever said this was a perfect world?

No. I still wasn’t completely there. I thought about the idea while I was doing dishes; I mulled it over while driving down the road all by myself; I worked out a fun little scenario or two as I lay in bed at night, instead of counting sheep; I created and discarded a number of storylines and subplots. Weeks, months, and more months went into mentally laying the groundwork.

By the time I actually did go into my office and start writing, I had several nice little scenes all cozied up in my head, just waiting to be put on paper. And…I was no longer just writing a book based around a dating agency. Now it was a series. Three books, maybe more (depending on how well you like them). Plus, God threw in a real surprise for me.

My dating agency would be no ordinary, run-of-the-mill love connection. Sometime during all of those mental writing sessions, it received a touch of the divine. Now it had an extraordinaryconnection to Heaven.

I’d love to tell you all about it, but then there’d be no need to read the book(s). And I really want you to read the Solomon’s Gate Series.

Destiny’s Dream released in December 2010, and Kylie’s Kissfollowed four months later, in April 2011. (Come on, admit it. You’re a little bit curious about this series!) It’s available through White Rose Publishing and Amazon. I’m eager to hear what you find between its covers, because I’m thinking different people might find different things. Divine experiences often happen that way, you know.

The third book, Gypsy’s Game, released last week with White Rose Publishing.

Come on in. I’ll leave the Gate open for you.

And here it is: Gypsy’s Game by Delia Latham.

Gypsy Lovell stands to inherit an enormous amount of money from a father who never gave her anything but a ridiculous name. Even now, he doesn’t make it easy. A stipulation in the man’s will demands that Gypsy be married in order to claim what is hers. Desperate for the monetary windfall that could save her ailing mother’s life, Gypsy visits a Christian dating agency, hoping to find a temporary husband. Someone easy to handle for the required six months, and easy to get rid of when she no longer needs him. Jal Garridan is neither of those things, but he’s willing to take on the challenge presented by the beautiful stranger—on his own terms. What Gypsy doesn’t know is that Solomon’s Gate is a dating agency with a Divine connection. What she finds there may save more than her mother’s life. It may save Gypsy’s soul.

Born and raised in a place called Weedpatch, Delia Latham moved from California to Oklahoma in 2008, making her a self-proclaimed California Okie. She loves to read and write in her simple country home, and gets a kick out of watching her husband play Farmer John. The author enjoys multiple roles as Christian wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend, but especially loves being a princess daughter to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. She loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her through her website or send an e-mail to

15 thoughts on “Romance, Grandma? Really? by Delia Latham

  1. Dora, thank you so much for spotlighting Gypsy's Game! I'm sorry to be so late stopping by. I'm on vacation, and completely forgot today was “THE DAY”! lol (But then, I am a grandmother…we're allowed a certain amount of forgetfulness, aren't we? 🙂


  2. I love the way you describe God clicking the switch and telling you “It's time.” Been there, done that, and am eternally grateful! Everything in His time and perfect plan/will. This series is amazing, and will bless those who read it! Keep up the great work, Delia!!


  3. It's my pleasure, Delia! I hope you're enjoying your vacation. We usually head to the mountains to get away, and internet service is spotty at best. You know what that means…total relaxation! Sending you a HUGE congrats on the release of GYPSY'S GAME. I can't wait to read it!


  4. Amen, Marianne! Sometimes He has to hit me over the head with a sledgehammer to keep me on course. lol. Thanks for stopping by. Less than 3 weeks until we storm Chicago!


  5. Thanks, Marianne! Coming from you, I consider your words of praise a tremendous compliment! 🙂

    Dora, I'm kind of one of those need-a-sledgehammer-hint gals too. lol


  6. Wonderful job, ladies! I felt like I was sitting beside you, Delia, having a conversation. LOL But then again, you do have a marvelous way with words!


  7. Delia does have a delightful writing style. I love her interviews AND books! But, Delia, honey, somebody needs to give you instructions on how to RELAX on a vacation! You're not supposed to be BUSY! lol.

    Appreciate your visits, Donna and Mary. Thanks for stopping by.


  8. I am SSSOOOO glad you took out the idea to play with and not your brain LOL!

    What a delightful post, ladies!

    Gypsey's Game sounds like a great book, Delia…Good luck & God's blessings with it and all of your titles!

    Same goes to my other WR/PBG friends 🙂



  9. I didn't get that memo, Dora… lol No, actually, my visit to California was intended to help my daughter prepare for her wedding reception. (She got married in Tahoe on 11/11/11.) So I knew I'd be busy…and then I spent the first couple of weeks sick, so that wasted half my “busy” time! It was still good, just didn't accomplish as much as I had intended to. 🙂


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