In The Midst Of Your Storm

It had been awhile. With all the craziness and “busy”-ness of the holidays, and then several author events and promotions all swirling into this massive storm, all demanding my attention, I couldn’t focus on anything except the blur of the calendar whizzing through my head, reminding me that I had to move harder, faster, get up earlier. It didn’t help that the weather hadn’t cooperated, either. Bruiser and I hadn’t been to visit the park in weeks.

The morning loomed gloomy and overcast, and slid downhill from there. But my body screamed for exercise, so I determined that we would at least drive to the park. It finally stopped raining long enough for me to unload my seventy pound dog at the park. I prayed that we might have a chance to navigate the soggy, muddy path before the puffy grey clouds dumped again.

As we started walking, patches of blue sky broke through the clouds. The sun poked out for the first time that day. Dewy raindrops glistened from bare tree limbs, shimmering like diamonds.

I believe Bruiser equates our time spent at the park as love. Why wouldn’t he? It’s a mile of sniffing trails and back scratches. From his grin (don’t tell me Goldens don’t grin J) and flumy tail waving through the air, it was painfully obvious that he needed the reminder that I still loved him. 

With the sun warming my back, a gentle breeze kissing my cheeks, and a spirit lighter than it had been in weeks, I realized that I needed the reminder, too. That God still loved me in the midst of my storms. That even in the busyness of my life, even though I’d barely focused on Him, He hadn’t forgotten about me.

Maybe you’re there. In the midst of a storm. An ugly divorce, the sudden death of a spouse or a child, an unexpected job loss, or maybe you’re being evicted from your home. Or maybe it’s a little more subtle. Like a tiny prick of insecurity, that you’re not keeping up with the demands of your job or you feel like a failure at parenthood. It could be a painful stab of jealousy when your husband flirts with a younger woman, or one of a thousand little things that creep in and rob your joy, your assurance that…

God loves you. Right where you are. In the midst of your storm.

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
They will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…
Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
And because I love you. ~Isaiah 43:2-4 NIV

You. Are. Loved.
Maybe you need that reminder today.

Sending you a warm hug and prayers for you to know that you are not alone.

9 thoughts on “In The Midst Of Your Storm

  1. I am jealous, Dora. I wish I could write like you do. You bring every word out so eloquently and beautiful. I felt the hug, too. I love you. Mom


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