A Glorious Wardrobe: What will you wear?

life spring quote Fiction Faith & Foodies

Don’t you just adore spring?

Like a glorious new wardrobe.

Tiny buds spring up from the hard-packed ground and sprinkle the earth with glorious hues. Grass that grows lush and thick.

Branches, like bony fingers pointing toward heaven, are suddenly blanketed with green.

Light, blessed sunlight, and stunning blue skies shake off the steely grey cloak of winter.

A spectacular sunrise beckons you outside to soak in the fresh start of a new day.

Spring…it’s a reminder to all of us that life changes. That winter doesn’t last forever. That new life comes from brittle pieces we thought were dead.

Life stands before me like an eternal spring with new and brilliant clothes. ~Carl Friedrich Gauss

What’s your favorite aspect of spring? What significance does spring bring to you?

6 thoughts on “A Glorious Wardrobe: What will you wear?

  1. Beautiful post, Tori! Today, it was difficult to imagine that spring is right around the corner. Our lovely Purple Leaf Plum tree was severely damaged last night from the freeze, and round two is coming tonight.
    For me, spring has always signified a new beginning, even more so than the new year. Stay warm! xo

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    • I know! That frigid arctic wind was awful! Argh! So sorry about your tree, Jill. I was afraid the early warm temps would harm them. 😢

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